2. History and Social Studies
  3. US History™

History & Social Studies (HSS) Courses for High School GPA STARPREP® HSS PROGRAMSUS History™

United States History with HSS, STARPREP® covers over two and a half centuries of American history. In this course, students are challenged to examine major events and themes from the foundation of the nation through the Civil War, followed by explorations of American industrialization, immigration, technological advancements, political reform, community formation, cultural change, familial structures, environmental concern, civic engagement, and global interactions up through the early twentieth century.

Throughout this course, students are assessed on their ability to contextualize time, space, and place, analyze a variety of different types of historical evidence, explore different parameters of historical cause and effect, identify patterns of continuity and change over time, and practice communication of their knowledge in different written and oral formats.

US History™

STARPREP®에서 제공하는 Regular® US History 프로그램은
2024 GPA-PREP Course 내신성적 향상을 위해 학생에게 적합한 최적의 수업환경과 수업내용을 제공합니다.

for Graders 8-11
(STARPREP® course code: USHIS)

Registration Board

High School Regular® US History™

  • Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater)

    ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★
    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    BA from Princeton University, 11 years of experience in teaching

    Class registration is available at any time.

  • Features/Legacy
  • ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★

    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

    Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
    (In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
  • Regular US History
Lecture Dates/Registration Status Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater) Features
Lecture Type

1:1 Tutoring Online/In-person
Schedule is flexible

Registration Status OPEN Online Application 등록신청서

★Regular® US History 내신성적향상 수업★
Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course
개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

BA from Princeton University, 11 years of experience in teaching

Class registration is available at any time.

Regular® US History 내신성적향상 수업

Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
(In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
Regular® US History Regular® US History

Curriculum Guide

High School Regular® US History™

01 The Meeting of Three Peoples

1-1  Timeline
1-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
1-3  Introduction
1-4  Native Peoples of the Americas on the Eve of European Contact
1-5  Europe and the Background of Exploration
1-6  Africa and the Slave Trade
1-7  Results of Exploration
1-8  Summary
1-9  Review Exercises

02 The Colonial Period

2-1  Timeline
2-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
2-3  Introduction
2-4  Early colonial settlements
2-5  Southern Colonies
2-6  New England Colonies
2-7  New England and Colonial Unity
2-8  The Middle Colonies
2-9  Summary
2-10  Review Exercises

03 Colonial Society in the 1700s

3-1  Timeline
3-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
3-3  Introduction
3-4  Colonial Society by 1750
3-5  The French and Indian War (1754-1763)
3-6  Summary
3-7  Review

04 The Chemistry of Life

4-1  Timeline
4-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
4-3  Introduction
4-4  Colonists Protest British Actions
4-5  The War of Independence
4-6  Summary
4-7  Review

05 Experiments in Government

5-1  Timeline
5-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
5-3  Introduction
5-4  The Articles of Confederation
5-5  The Writing of the constitution
5-6  Summary
5-7  Review

06 The Federalist Era

6-1  Timeline
6-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
6-3  Introduction
6-4  Washington's Administration (1789-1797)
6-5  Adam's Administration(1797-1801)
6-6  Summary
6-7  Review

07 The Republicans in Power, 1800-1824

7-1  Timeline
7-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
7-3  Introduction
7-4  Jefferson's Administration (1801-1809)
7-5  The War of 1812
7-6  The Ear of Good Feeling
7-7  The Monroe Doctrine
7-8  The Missouri Compromise
7-9  Summary
7-10  Review

08 Jacksonian Democracy, 1824-1836

8-1  Timeline
8-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
8-3  Introduction
8-4  Election of 1824
8-5  Election of 1828
8-6  Indian Removal
8-7  Bank War
8-8  Nullification and Slavery
8-9  Summary
8-10  Review

09 Growth, Slavery, and Reform, 1800-1850

9-1  Timeline
9-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
9-3  Introduction
9-4  Growth
9-5  Slavery
9-6  Reform
9-7  Summary
9-8  Review

10 Expansion, Conflict, and Compromise, 1820-1850

10-1  Timeline
10-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
10-3  Introduction
10-4  The Roots of Conflict
10-5  Expansion
10-6  The Compromise of 1850
10-7  Summary
10-8  Review

11 Slavery and the Road to Disunion, 1851-1861

11-1  Timeline
11-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
11-3  Introduction
11-4  Conflicts Over Slavery
11-5  Lincoln and Secession
11-6  Summary
11-7  Review

12 The Civil War, 1861-1865

12-1  Timeline
12-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
12-3  Introduction
12-4  The Beginning of War
12-5  Secession
12-6  The Balance of Forces
12-7  The War
12-8  Lincoln and the Politics of Slavery and War
12-9  Summary
12-10  Review

13 Reconstruction and Its Aftermath, 1865-1896

13-1  Timeline
13-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
13-3  Introduction
13-4  Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1867)
13-5  Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction (1867-1877)
13-6  The Post-Reconstruction South (1877-1896)
13-7  Summary
13-8  Review

14 The Closing of the Frontier, 1876-1900

14-1  Timeline
14-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
14-3  Introduction
14-4  Moving West
14-5  The Transformation of the West
14-6  The Removal of Native Americans
14-7  Summary
14-8  Review

15 Industry, Big Business, and Labor Union, 1865-1900

15-1  Timeline
15-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
15-3  New Technologies
15-4  The Rise of Big Business
15-5  Labor Conflicts (1877-1914)
15-6  Industry and the South
15-7  Summary
15-8  Review

16 Society and Culture in the Gilded Age, 1865-1900

16-1  Timeline
16-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
16-3  Introduction
16-4  Urbanization
16-5  The Impact of Inventions
16-6  The Changing American Society
16-7  Summary
16-8  Review

17 Politics of the Gilded Age, 1877-1900

17-1  Timeline
17-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
17-3  Introduction
17-4  National Politics
17-5  Unrest Among Farmers (1867-1896)
17-6  Summary
17-7  Review

18 Imperialism, 1880-1914

18-1  Timeline
18-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
18-3  Introduction
18-4  Causes of American Imperialism
18-5  The United States as an Imperialist Power
18-6  Summary
18-7  Review

19 The Progressive Era, 1900-1920

19-1  Timeline
19-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
19-3  Introduction
19-4  Background and Influences
19-5  Progressive Reformers
19-6  Progressive Issues
19-7  Progressive Presidents
19-8  African Americans in the Progressive Era
19-9  Summary
19-10  Review

20 The United States and World War I, 1914-1920

20-1  Timeline
20-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
20-3  Introduction
20-4  The World at War
20-5  The united States Remains Neutral
20-6  "Over There":The United States at War
20-7  Wilson, Peace, and the League of Nations
20-8  Summary
20-9  Review

21 Tradition and Change in the 1920s

21-1  Timeline
21-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
21-3  Introduction
21-4  Politics: The Returns to Normalcy
21-5  Economic Conditions
21-6  Society in the 1920s
21-7  Tradition and Reaction
21-8  Culture of the 1920s
21-9  Summary
21-10  Review

22 The Crash, the Depression, and the New Deal

22-1  Timeline
22-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
22-3  Introduction
22-4  Causes of the Depression
22-5  Hoover's Response to the Crisis
22-6  Roosevelt's New Deal
22-7  Reaction to the New Deal
22-8  Summary
22-9  Review

23 Politics and Society in the 1930s

23-1  Timeline
23-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
23-3  Introduction
23-4  Growth in the 1930s
23-5  Political Developments of the 1930s
23-6  Culture of the 1930s
23-7  The Depression and Social Groups
23-8  Summary
23-9  Review

24 World War II: From Neutraliry to Hiroshima, 1936-1945

24-1  Timeline
24-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
24-3  Introduction
24-4  The Winds of War in Europe
24-5  The U.S. Response to Pearl Harbor
24-6  The Home Front
24-7  The United States at War in Europe
24-8  The United States at War in the Pacific
24-9  Summary
24-10  Review

25 The Cold War, 1945-1963

25-1  Timeline
25-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
25-3  Introduction
25-4  Agreements During World War II (1943-1945)
25-5  Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe
25-6  The Arms Race
25-7  Other Global Events in the Cold War
25-8  Summary
25-9  Review

26 Affluence and Conservatism, 1946-1960

26-1  Timeline
26-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
26-3  Introduction
26-4  Political Developments
26-5  Economic Growth
26-6  Social Trends in the 1950s
26-7  1950s Culture
26-8  Summary
26-9  Review

27 The Kennedy and Johnson Years

27-1  Timeline
27-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
27-3  Introduction
27-4  The Kennedy Administration (1961-1963)
27-5  The Johns Administration (1963-1969)
27-6  Summary
27-7  Review

28 The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968

28-1  Timeline
28-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
28-3  Introduction
28-4  Roots of the Civil Rights Movement
28-5  Martin Luther King Jr.
28-6  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
28-7  Violence
28-8  Role of Government
28-9  Summary
28-10  Review

29 The Vietnam War, 1954-1975

29-1  Timeline
29-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
29-3  Introduction
29-4  The Growing American Involvement in Vietnam
29-5  The War
29-6  The Growing Antiwar Protest
29-7  Nixon and the War
29-8  The End of the War
29-9  Results
29-10  Summary
29-11  Review

30 Cultural and Social Change in the 1960s

30-1  Timeline
30-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
30-3  Introduction
30-4  The Political Activists
30-5  Currents in History Writing
30-6  Music
30-7  Hippies
30-8  Summary
30-9  Review

31 Politics and Society, 1968-1980

31-1  Timeline
31-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
31-3  Introduction
31-4  Social Issues
31-5  Feminism
31-6  The Environment
31-7  The Economy
31-8  Foreign Affairs
31-9  The Watergate Scandal
31-10  The Carter Administration
31-11  Summary
31-12  Review

32 The Triumph of Conservatism, 1980-1992

32-1  Timeline
32-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
32-3  Introduction
32-4  Election of 1980
32-5  Domestic Affairs
32-6  Foreign Policy
32-7  The Iran-Contra Affair
32-8  Election of 1988
32-9  the First Bush Presidency
32-10  Summary
32-11  Review

33 America at the Turn of the Century

33-1  Timeline
33-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
33-3  Introduction
33-4  Clinton as President
33-5  The Contested Election of 2000
33-6  Summary
33-7  Review

34 Years of Crisis, 2001-2008

34-1  Timeline
34-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
34-3  Introduction
34-4  The "War on Terror"
34-5  Domestic Affairs
34-6  The Election of 2008
34-7  Summary
34-8  Review

01 The Meeting of Three Peoples

1-1  Timeline
1-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
1-3  Introduction
1-4  Native Peoples of the Americas on the Eve of European Contact
1-5  Europe and the Background of Exploration
1-6  Africa and the Slave Trade
1-7  Results of Exploration
1-8  Summary
1-9  Review Exercises

02 The Colonial Period

2-1  Timeline
2-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
2-3  Introduction
2-4  Early colonial settlements
2-5  Southern Colonies
2-6  New England Colonies
2-7  New England and Colonial Unity
2-8  The Middle Colonies
2-9  Summary
2-10  Review Exercises

03 Colonial Society in the 1700s

3-1  Timeline
3-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
3-3  Introduction
3-4  Colonial Society by 1750
3-5  The French and Indian War (1754-1763)
3-6  Summary
3-7  Review

04 The Chemistry of Life

4-1  Timeline
4-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
4-3  Introduction
4-4  Colonists Protest British Actions
4-5  The War of Independence
4-6  Summary
4-7  Review

05 Experiments in Government

5-1  Timeline
5-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
5-3  Introduction
5-4  The Articles of Confederation
5-5  The Writing of the constitution
5-6  Summary
5-7  Review

06 The Federalist Era

6-1  Timeline
6-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
6-3  Introduction
6-4  Washington's Administration (1789-1797)
6-5  Adam's Administration(1797-1801)
6-6  Summary
6-7  Review

07 The Republicans in Power, 1800-1824

7-1  Timeline
7-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
7-3  Introduction
7-4  Jefferson's Administration (1801-1809)
7-5  The War of 1812
7-6  The Ear of Good Feeling
7-7  The Monroe Doctrine
7-8  The Missouri Compromise
7-9  Summary
7-10  Review

08 Jacksonian Democracy, 1824-1836

8-1  Timeline
8-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
8-3  Introduction
8-4  Election of 1824
8-5  Election of 1828
8-6  Indian Removal
8-7  Bank War
8-8  Nullification and Slavery
8-9  Summary
8-10  Review

09 Growth, Slavery, and Reform, 1800-1850

9-1  Timeline
9-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
9-3  Introduction
9-4  Growth
9-5  Slavery
9-6  Reform
9-7  Summary
9-8  Review

10 Expansion, Conflict, and Compromise, 1820-1850

10-1  Timeline
10-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
10-3  Introduction
10-4  The Roots of Conflict
10-5  Expansion
10-6  The Compromise of 1850
10-7  Summary
10-8  Review

11 Slavery and the Road to Disunion, 1851-1861

11-1  Timeline
11-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
11-3  Introduction
11-4  Conflicts Over Slavery
11-5  Lincoln and Secession
11-6  Summary
11-7  Review

12 The Civil War, 1861-1865

12-1  Timeline
12-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
12-3  Introduction
12-4  The Beginning of War
12-5  Secession
12-6  The Balance of Forces
12-7  The War
12-8  Lincoln and the Politics of Slavery and War
12-9  Summary
12-10  Review

13 Reconstruction and Its Aftermath, 1865-1896

13-1  Timeline
13-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
13-3  Introduction
13-4  Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1867)
13-5  Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction (1867-1877)
13-6  The Post-Reconstruction South (1877-1896)
13-7  Summary
13-8  Review

14 The Closing of the Frontier, 1876-1900

14-1  Timeline
14-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
14-3  Introduction
14-4  Moving West
14-5  The Transformation of the West
14-6  The Removal of Native Americans
14-7  Summary
14-8  Review

15 Industry, Big Business, and Labor Union, 1865-1900

15-1  Timeline
15-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
15-3  New Technologies
15-4  The Rise of Big Business
15-5  Labor Conflicts (1877-1914)
15-6  Industry and the South
15-7  Summary
15-8  Review

16 Society and Culture in the Gilded Age, 1865-1900

16-1  Timeline
16-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
16-3  Introduction
16-4  Urbanization
16-5  The Impact of Inventions
16-6  The Changing American Society
16-7  Summary
16-8  Review

17 Politics of the Gilded Age, 1877-1900

17-1  Timeline
17-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
17-3  Introduction
17-4  National Politics
17-5  Unrest Among Farmers (1867-1896)
17-6  Summary
17-7  Review

18 Imperialism, 1880-1914

18-1  Timeline
18-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
18-3  Introduction
18-4  Causes of American Imperialism
18-5  The United States as an Imperialist Power
18-6  Summary
18-7  Review

19 The Progressive Era, 1900-1920

19-1  Timeline
19-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
19-3  Introduction
19-4  Background and Influences
19-5  Progressive Reformers
19-6  Progressive Issues
19-7  Progressive Presidents
19-8  African Americans in the Progressive Era
19-9  Summary
19-10  Review

20 The United States and World War I, 1914-1920

20-1  Timeline
20-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
20-3  Introduction
20-4  The World at War
20-5  The united States Remains Neutral
20-6  "Over There":The United States at War
20-7  Wilson, Peace, and the League of Nations
20-8  Summary
20-9  Review

21 Tradition and Change in the 1920s

21-1  Timeline
21-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
21-3  Introduction
21-4  Politics: The Returns to Normalcy
21-5  Economic Conditions
21-6  Society in the 1920s
21-7  Tradition and Reaction
21-8  Culture of the 1920s
21-9  Summary
21-10  Review

22 The Crash, the Depression, and the New Deal

22-1  Timeline
22-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
22-3  Introduction
22-4  Causes of the Depression
22-5  Hoover's Response to the Crisis
22-6  Roosevelt's New Deal
22-7  Reaction to the New Deal
22-8  Summary
22-9  Review

23 Politics and Society in the 1930s

23-1  Timeline
23-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
23-3  Introduction
23-4  Growth in the 1930s
23-5  Political Developments of the 1930s
23-6  Culture of the 1930s
23-7  The Depression and Social Groups
23-8  Summary
23-9  Review

24 World War II: From Neutraliry to Hiroshima, 1936-1945

24-1  Timeline
24-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
24-3  Introduction
24-4  The Winds of War in Europe
24-5  The U.S. Response to Pearl Harbor
24-6  The Home Front
24-7  The United States at War in Europe
24-8  The United States at War in the Pacific
24-9  Summary
24-10  Review

25 The Cold War, 1945-1963

25-1  Timeline
25-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
25-3  Introduction
25-4  Agreements During World War II (1943-1945)
25-5  Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe
25-6  The Arms Race
25-7  Other Global Events in the Cold War
25-8  Summary
25-9  Review

26 Affluence and Conservatism, 1946-1960

26-1  Timeline
26-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
26-3  Introduction
26-4  Political Developments
26-5  Economic Growth
26-6  Social Trends in the 1950s
26-7  1950s Culture
26-8  Summary
26-9  Review

27 The Kennedy and Johnson Years

27-1  Timeline
27-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
27-3  Introduction
27-4  The Kennedy Administration (1961-1963)
27-5  The Johns Administration (1963-1969)
27-6  Summary
27-7  Review

28 The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968

28-1  Timeline
28-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
28-3  Introduction
28-4  Roots of the Civil Rights Movement
28-5  Martin Luther King Jr.
28-6  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
28-7  Violence
28-8  Role of Government
28-9  Summary
28-10  Review

29 The Vietnam War, 1954-1975

29-1  Timeline
29-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
29-3  Introduction
29-4  The Growing American Involvement in Vietnam
29-5  The War
29-6  The Growing Antiwar Protest
29-7  Nixon and the War
29-8  The End of the War
29-9  Results
29-10  Summary
29-11  Review

30 Cultural and Social Change in the 1960s

30-1  Timeline
30-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
30-3  Introduction
30-4  The Political Activists
30-5  Currents in History Writing
30-6  Music
30-7  Hippies
30-8  Summary
30-9  Review

31 Politics and Society, 1968-1980

31-1  Timeline
31-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
31-3  Introduction
31-4  Social Issues
31-5  Feminism
31-6  The Environment
31-7  The Economy
31-8  Foreign Affairs
31-9  The Watergate Scandal
31-10  The Carter Administration
31-11  Summary
31-12  Review

32 The Triumph of Conservatism, 1980-1992

32-1  Timeline
32-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
32-3  Introduction
32-4  Election of 1980
32-5  Domestic Affairs
32-6  Foreign Policy
32-7  The Iran-Contra Affair
32-8  Election of 1988
32-9  the First Bush Presidency
32-10  Summary
32-11  Review

33 America at the Turn of the Century

33-1  Timeline
33-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
33-3  Introduction
33-4  Clinton as President
33-5  The Contested Election of 2000
33-6  Summary
33-7  Review

34 Years of Crisis, 2001-2008

34-1  Timeline
34-2  Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts
34-3  Introduction
34-4  The "War on Terror"
34-5  Domestic Affairs
34-6  The Election of 2008
34-7  Summary
34-8  Review

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