2. History and Social Studies
  3. Regular World History™

History & Social Studies (HSS) Courses for High School GPA STARPREP® HSS PROGRAMSWorld History™

The study of world history is the study of humanity itself. This course moves far beyond the simple learning of historical facts, and asks students to think deeply about what we can learn from the past and apply to the present to create a better future. This course looks at world history through a multi-faceted lens, helping students connect course topics with literature, art, geography, psychology, sociology, economics, science, and technology. Students develop critical thinking and research skills as they analyze relationships between people and events as a means of understanding past and current world events. Students are encouraged to interpret facts, determine cause and effect, separate facts from opinions, explore values, synthesize information, consider divergent perspectives, form hypotheses, and evaluate conclusions.

Regular® World History™

STARPREP®에서 제공하는 Regular® World History 프로그램은
2024 GPA-PREP Course 내신성적 향상을 위해 학생에게 적합한 최적의 수업환경과 수업내용을 제공합니다.

for Graders 8-11
(STARPREP® course code: WOHIS)

Registration Board

High School Regular® World History™

  • Lecture Type/Registration Status
  • January 6 - February 24, 2024

    ★Registration Status★ OPEN Online Application 등록신청서
  • Regular World History
  • Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater)

    ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★
    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    John Jeong
    UC Berkeley, BA 학사졸업, 7년차 경력

    Class registration is available at any time.
  • Features/Legacy
  • ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★

    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

    Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
    (In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
  • Regular World History
  • Lecture Type/Registration Status
  • March 2 - May 4, 2024

    ★Registration Status★ OPEN Online Application 등록신청서
  • Regular World History
  • Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater)

    ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★
    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    John Jeong
    UC Berkeley, BA 학사졸업, 7년차 경력

    Class registration is available at any time.
  • Features/Legacy
  • ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★

    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

    Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
    (In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
  • Regular World History
  • Lecture Type/Registration Status
  • 1:1 Tutoring Online/In-person
    Schedule is flexible

    ★Registration Status★ OPEN Online Application 등록신청서
  • Regular World History
  • Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater)

    ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★
    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    John Jeong
    UC Berkeley, BA 학사졸업, 7년차 경력

    Class registration is available at any time.
  • Features/Legacy
  • ★ Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course ★

    개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

    Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

    Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
    (In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
  • Regular World History
Lecture Dates/Registration Status Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater) Features
Lecture Type

January 6 - February 24, 2024

★Registration Status★ OPEN Online Application 등록신청서

★Regular® World History
Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course
개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

John Jeong
UC Berkeley, BA 학사졸업, 7년차 경력

Class registration is available at any time.

Regular® World History 내신성적향상 수업

Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
(In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
Regular® World History Regular® World History
Lecture Type

March 2 - May 4, 2024

★Registration Status★ OPEN Online Application 등록신청서

★Regular® World History
Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course
개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

John Jeong
UC Berkeley, BA 학사졸업, 7년차 경력

Class registration is available at any time.

Regular® World History 내신성적향상 수업

Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
(In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
Regular® World History Regular® World History
Lecture Type

1:1 Tutoring Online/In-person
Schedule is flexible

★Registration Status★ OPEN Online Application 등록신청서

★Regular® World History
Comprehensive Review of the Concepts and Theories Course
개념 및 이론 과정에 대한 종합적인 검토

John Jeong
UC Berkeley, BA 학사졸업, 7년차 경력

Class registration is available at any time.

Regular® World History 내신성적향상 수업

Students' Satisfaction : above 99%

Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
(In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
Regular® World History Regular® World History

How to Register

Click the box below and please submit the google response form

Curriculum Guide

High School Regular® World History™

01 3.2 million B.C.E. - 2000 B.C.E. Prehistory and Paleolithic Humans to the Emergence of Civilization

1-1  Geography
1-2  Earliest Humans in East Africa
1-3  Paleolithic Age
1-4  Migration of humans Across the Earth
1-5  Neolithic Revolution
1-6  Cultural Diffusion
1-7  Summary
1-8  Review Exercises

02 3000 B.C.E. - 500 B.C.E.
Early River Valley Civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China, plus Australia

2-1  Egypt
2-2  Mesopotamia
2-3  India
2-4  China
2-5  Australia
2-6  Summary
2-7  Review Exercises

03 1500 B.C.E. - 200 B.C.E.
Advances in Religion and Philosophy

3-1  China
3-2  India
3-3  Mesopotamia
3-4  Greece
3-5  Summary
3-6  Review

04 2050 B.C.E.-232 B.C.E.
Ancient Greece

4-1  Cultures of ancient Greece
4-2  The Formation of Greek City-States
4-3  Persian Wars
4-4  Peloponnesian War
4-5  Greek Culture and Artistic Achievements
4-6  Age of Alexander
4-7  Global Connections to India
4-8  Summary
4-9  Review

05 770 B.C.E. - 476 C.E.
Ancient Rome

5-1  Geography
5-2  The Early Republic of Rome Takes Shape
5-3  Social Classes
5-4  Roman Expansion
5-5  The Punic Wars (264-146 B.C.E.)
5-6  Rome Becomes an Empire
5-7  The Rise of the First Triumvirate (60-53 B.C.E.)
5-8  Second Triumvirate (43-33 B.C.E.)
5-9  Weakening and Collapse of the Empire
5-10  Global Connections to India
5-11  Summary
5-12  Review

06 206 B.C.E. - 220 C.E.
Han China

6-1  The Han Dynasty
6-2  Collapse of the Han Dynasty
6-3  Buddhism
6-4  Summary
6-5  Review

07 300 C.E. - 1603 C.E.
Korea and Japan

7-1  Korea
7-2  Japan
7-3  Japan's Relationship with Korea and China
7-4  Japanese Feudalism
7-5  Buddhism
7-6  Japanese Cultural Flowering
7-7  Summary
7-8  Review

08 570 B.E. - 750 C.E.
Formation of the Islamic Religion, Culture, and Civilization

8-1  Mecca
8-2  Muhammad
8-3  The Expansion of Islam Under the First Five Caliphs
8-4  The Islamic Schism
8-5  Islamic Achievements Compared to Western Europe: 600-1000 C.E.
8-6  Islamic Cultural Achievements: From Manufacturing to Art to Science
8-7  Summary
8-8  Review

09 400 C.E. 4 C.E.
Middle Ages Western Europe

9-1  Fall of Rome and Barbarian Invasions
9-2  The Rome Catholic Church
9-3  Division of Christianity
9-4  Political Organization
9-5  Reigh of Charlemagne (768-814 C.E.)
9-6  Feudalism
9-7  Western Europe Owes a Det to Islam
9-8  Review
9-9  Review

10 330 C.E. - 1600 C.E.
The Byzantine Empire and Russia

10-1  Geography
10-2  Emperor Justinian
10-3  Eastern Orthodox Christianity
10-4  The Great Schism
10-5  The First Crusade
10-6  The Contributions of the Byzantine Empire
10-7  Formation of Russia
10-8  Mongol Influence
10-9  City of oscow
10-10  Summary
10-11  Review

11 1066 C.E. - 1453 C.E.
The High Middle Ages in Europe

11-1  Process of Lay Investiture
11-2  Revival of the Power of the Emperor
11-3  Pope Gregory VII vs. Emperor Henry IV
11-4  The First Crusade
11-5  Town Charters
11-6  The Creation of Schools and Universities
11-7  Framework of Society
11-8  William the Conqueror
11-9  Eleanor of Aquitaine: English and French Rivalry
11-10  Pope Innocent III
11-11  The Magna Carta (1215 C.E.)
11-12  The Holy Roman Empire
11-13  The Black Death
11-14  The Hundred Years' War
11-15  Summary
11-16  Review

12 1500 B.C.E. - 1500 C.E.
African States

12-1  Geography
12-2  Migrations of People
West Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
12-3  The Kingdom of Ghana
12-4  The Kingdom of Mali
12-5  The Kingdom of Songhai
12-6  Effects of Mansa Musa, Sonni Ali, and Muhammad Al-Turi
12-7  Portuguese Arrival
12-8  European Effects on the Gold Coast Central Africa
12-9  Geography
12-10  The Portuguese Slave Trade
12-11  The Kingdom of Kongo East Africa
12-12  Nubia
12-13  Axum
12-14  The Portuguese Make It to East Africa
Southeastern Africa
12-15  Zimbabwe South Africa
12-16  Cultural and Artistic Achievements of the African Continent
12-17  Summary
12-18  Review

13 1500 B.C.E. - 15 C.E.
Mesoamerica, SpanishConquest, and the Peoles of North America

13-1  Mesoamerica and North America After the Bering Strait
13-2  The Mayan civilization
13-3  The World of the Aztecs
13-4  South American Civilizations
13-5  The north American Continent
13-6  Global conections with the Americas
13-7  Summary
13-8  Review

14 618 C.E. - 1279 C.E.
Tang and Song Dynasties: The Golden Ages of China

14-1  China After the Han Dynasty
14-2  Unification During the Tang and Song Dynasties
14-3  Tang Dynasty
14-4  Song Dynasty
14-5  Tang and Song Achievements in Art and Literature
14-6  Technological Advancements
14-7  Summary
14-8  Review

15 750 C.E. - 1526 C.E.
Middle Eastern Expansion

15-1  Orthpraxxy vs. Orthodoxy
15-2  Harun Al-Rashid
15-3  Shift in Islamic Leadership
15-4  Expansion of the Mongol Empire
15-5  The Gunpowder Empire; Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid
15-6  Islamic Achievements
15-7  Summary
15-8  Review

16 1300 C.E. - 1687 C.E.
The Renaissance and Reformation

16-1  Rebirth: The Starting Point-Italy
16-2  Renaissance in Northern Europe
16-3  The Protestant Reformation (1517-1648 C.E.
16-4  The Catholic Reformation (1545-1648 C.E.)
16-5  Scientific Achievement During the Reformation
16-6  Summary
16-7  Review

17 1400 C.E. - 1602 C.E.
European Exploration

17-1  Spanish Competition
17-2  The Netherlands: Unlikely Rivals for Sea Power
17-3  Summary
17-4  Review

18 1368 C.E. - 1725 C.E.
The Age of Absolutism

18-1  Changes in World Power
18-2  Absolutism in England
18-3  Absolutism in France
18-4  Absolutism in Spain
18-5  Absolutism in Russia
18-6  Absolutism in India
18-7  Absolutism in the Ottoman Empire
18-8  Absolutism in Japan
18-9  Absolutism in China
18-10  Summary
18-11  Review

19 1500s C.E. - 1800s C.E.
Mercantilism: The Creation of the Transatlantic Economy

19-1  Linking Europe, the Americas, and Africa
19-2  Mercantilism as an Economic Theory
19-3  Spanish Empire in the Americas
19-4  English Colonies
19-5  French Interaction
19-6  Summary
19-7  Review

20 1651 C.E. - 1792 C.E.
The Enlightenment

20-1  Natural Laws
20-2  A New Form of Economic thought: Laissez-Faire
20-3  Summary
20-4  Review

21 1763 C.E. - 1822 C.E.
Revolutions Across the World

21-1  American Revolution
21-2  French Revolution
21-3  Wars of Latin American Independence
21-4  Revolutions in the Spanish Colonies
21-5  Summary
21-6  Review

22 1764 C.E. - 1850 C.E.
The Industrial Revolution Across the Globe

22-1  England Leads the Industrial Revolution
22-2  Growth of Cities
22-3  Social Structure During the Industrial Revolution
22-4  Adam Smith
22-5  Karl Mark
22-6  Proletarianization
22-7  World Reaction to Industrialization
22-8  Summary
22-9  Review

23 1800 C.E. - 1881 C.E.
Nationalism in Europe and Russia

23-1  What is Nationalism?
23-2  The Crimean War
23-3  Nationalism in Italy
23-4  Nationalism in Germany
23-5  Nationalism in the Austrian-Habsburg Empire
23-6  Nationalism in Russia
23-7  Summary
23-8  Review

24 1900 C.E. - 1949 C..Nationalism in Asia

24-1  Nationalism in China
24-2  Nationalism in Japan
24-3  The Meiji Restoration
24-4  Summary
24-6  Review

25 1800 C.E. - 1911 C.E.
Imperialism and New Imperialism

25-1  Motives and Reasons for Imperialism
25-2  King Leopard II of Belgium Moves into Africa
25-3  The Berlin Conference
25-4  Imperialism in India
25-5  Australia
25-6  The Ottoman Empire
25-7  China and New Imperialism
25-8  Summary
25-9  Review

26 1879 C.E. - 1921 C.E.
World War I to the Treaty of Versailles

26-1  Motives
26-2  Nationalism to Militarism
26-3  Power Through Alliances
26-4  Role of Bosnia and Serbia
26-5  The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
26-6  The Schlieffen Plan in the Western Front
26-7  New Technologies and Their Impact
26-8  Sinking of the Lusitania
26-9  End of the Fighting
26-10  The Cost of the War
26-11  The treaty of Versailles
26-12  Summary
26-13  Review

27 1905 C.E. - 1924 C.E.
The Russian Revolution

27-1  Background
27-2  The February Revolution: 1917
27-3  Russian Civil War: Red Army vs. White Army
27-4  Death of Vladimir Lenin and the Rise of Joseph Stalin
27-5  Summary
27-6  Review

28 1919 C.E. - 1934 C.E.
The Great Depression and the Road to World War II

28-1  The Roaring '20s
28-2  Economic Collapse in the United States
28-3  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
28-4  Problems for the British Empire
28-5  The French Position
28-6  Germany Before the Great Depression
28-7  The Great Depresson Hits Europe
28-8  Hitler Ascent to Power
28-9  Russia During the 1920s
28-10  Stalin's Purges
28-11  Italy During the Great Depression: The Rise of Fascism with Benito Mussolini
28-12  Summary
28-13  Review

29 1933 C.E. - 1948 C.E.
World War II Through the Creation of Israel

29-1  Mussolini Invades Ethiopia
29-2  Adolf Hitler in Germany
29-3  Policy of Appeasement
29-4  Effects of the Spanish Civil War
29-5  Hitler Continues His Aggression
29-6  The War on Other Fronts
29-7  Operation Barbarossa
29-8  The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
29-9  Total War
29-10  Genocide in Europe
29-11  The Tide Turns: North Africa and the European Theater
29-12  Defeat of Nazi Germany
29-13  Defeat of Japan: Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
29-14  Aftermath of World War II
29-15  Creation of the United Nations Organization
29-16  Israel is Formed
29-17  Summary
29-18  Review

30 1945 C.E. - 1979 C.E.
Cold War, NATO, Warsaw Pact, Conflicts in Korea and Vietnam

30-1  Origins of the Cold War
30-2  The Truman Doctrine and Containment Policy
30-3  The Marshall Plan
30-4  Fate of Germany and the Berlin Airlift
30-5  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
30-6  Creation of the Warsaw Pact
30-7  The Cold War Arms Race
30-8  Development of the Propaganda War
30-9  Cold War Conflicts
30-10  Summary
30-11  Review

31 1912 C.E. - 1990 C.E.
Decolonization in Africa and Asia

31-1  The Challenge of Democracy
31-2  The Transfer of Power from Great Britain and France
31-3  Ghana and Kenya: Different Routes to Independence
31-4  Nigeria
31-5  Zaire/Congo
31-6  Decolonization of Southern Africa
31-7  Decolonization of Asia
31-8  Summary
31-9  Review

32 1917 C.E. - 2000 C.E.
The Decolonization of the Americas

32-1  South America
32-2  Central America
32-3  Organization of American States
32-4  Struggles Continue Today in Latin America
32-5  Summary
32-6  Review

33 1978 C.E. - 2012 C.E.
Collapse of the Soviet Union

33-1  Soviet Union
33-2  Eastern European Nationalist and Independence Movements During the Cold War
33-3  The Effects of Détente
33-4  Soviet Union Collapse
33-5  The Berlin Wall Finally Collapses
33-6  Vladimir Putin
33-7  Summary
33-8  Review

34 1952 C.E. - Present Day
The Middle East Through Persian Gulf Wars

34-1  Problems with the Borders
34-2  Oil vs. Arabic Nationalism
34-3  Saudi Arabia
34-4  Other Persian Gulf Countries
34-5  Egypt
34-6  Iran
34-7  Israel
34-8  Afghanistan
34-9  War in Lebanon
34-10  Persian Gulf War I
34-11  Persian Gulf War II
34-12  Role of the United Stt
34-13  Summary
34-14  Review

35 1950 C.E. - Present Day
Millennial Unrest: Era of Terrorism and Technology

34-1  China: Tiananmen Square to the Beijing Olympics
34-2  Global Communications
34-3  Technology Changes the World
34-4  The Green Revolution
34-5  the United Nations Peacekeeper
34-6  The Formation of the European Union
34-7  Terrorism Around the World
34-8  Social Media and Its Effect on the World
34-9  Science and Medicine
34-10  Cultural Diffusion: Faster than Ever Before
34-11  Hope for the Future
34-12  Summary
34-13  Review

01 3.2 million B.C.E. - 2000 B.C.E.
Prehistory and Paleolithic Humans to the Emergence of Civilization

1-1  Geography
1-2  Earliest Humans in East Africa
1-3  Paleolithic Age
1-4  Migration of humans Across the Earth
1-5  Neolithic Revolution
1-6  Cultural Diffusion 1-7  Summary
1-8  Review Exercises

02 3000 B.C.E. - 500 B.C.E.
Early River Valley Civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China, plus Australia

2-1  Egypt
2-2  Mesopotamia
2-3  India
2-4  China
2-5  Australia
2-6  Summary
2-7  Review Exercises

03 1500 B.C.E. - 200 B.C.E.
Advances in Religion and Philosophy

3-1  China
3-2  India
3-3  Mesopotamia
3-4  Greece
3-5  Summary
3-6  Review

04 2050 B.C.E.-232 B.C.E.
Ancient Greece

4-1  Cultures of ancient Greece
4-2  The Formation of Greek City-States
4-3  Persian Wars
4-4  Peloponnesian War
4-5  Greek Culture and Artistic Achievements
4-6  Age of Alexander
4-7  Global Connections to India
4-8  Summary
4-9  Review

05 770 B.C.E. - 476 C.E.
Ancient Rome

5-1  Geography
5-2  The Early Republic of Rome Takes Shape
5-3  Social Classes
5-4  Roman Expansion
5-5  The Punic Wars (264-146 B.C.E.)
5-6  Rome Becomes an Empire
5-7  The Rise of the First Triumvirate (60-53 B.C.E.)
5-8  Second Triumvirate (43-33 B.C.E.)
5-9  Weakening and Collapse of the Empire
5-10  Global Connections to India
5-11  Summary
5-12  Review

06 206 B.C.E. - 220 C.E.
Han China

6-1  The Han Dynasty
6-2  Collapse of the Han Dynasty
6-3  Buddhism
6-4  Summary
6-5  Review

07 300 C.E. - 1603 C.E.
Korea and Japan

7-1  Korea
7-2  Japan
7-3  Japan's Relationship with Korea and China
7-4  Japanese Feudalism
7-5  Buddhism
7-6  Japanese Cultural Flowering
7-7  Summary
7-8  Review

08 570 B.E. - 750 C.E.
Formation of the Islamic Religion, Culture, and Civilization

8-1  Mecca
8-2  Muhammad
8-3  The Expansion of Islam Under the First Five Caliphs
8-4  The Islamic Schism
8-5  Islamic Achievements Compared to Western Europe: 600-1000 C.E.
8-6  Islamic Cultural Achievements: From Manufacturing to Art to Science
8-7  Summary
8-8  Review

09 400 C.E. 4 C.E.
Middle Ages Western Europe

9-1  Fall of Rome and Barbarian Invasions
9-2  The Rome Catholic Church
9-3  Division of Christianity
9-4  Political Organization
9-5  Reigh of Charlemagne (768-814 C.E.)
9-6  Feudalism
9-7  Western Europe Owes a Det to Islam
9-8  Summary
9-9  Review

10 330 C.E. - 1600 C.E.
The Byzantine Empire and Russia

10-1  Geography
10-2  Emperor Justinian
10-3  Eastern Orthodox Christianity
10-4  The Great Schism
10-5  The First Crusade
10-6  The Contributions of the Byzantine Empire
10-7  Formation of Russia
10-8  Mongol Influence
10-9  City of oscow
10-10  Summary
10-11  Review

11 1066 C.E. - 1453 C.E.
The High Middle Ages in Europe

11-1  Process of Lay Investiture
11-2  Revival of the Power of the Emperor
11-3  Pope Gregory VII vs. Emperor Henry IV
11-4  The First Crusade
11-5  Town Charters
11-6  The Creation of Schools and Universities
11-7  Framework of Society
11-8  William the Conqueror
11-9  Eleanor of Aquitaine: English and French Rivalry
11-10  Pope Innocent III
11-11  The Magna Carta (1215 C.E.)
11-12  The Holy Roman Empire
11-13  The Black Death
11-14  The Hundred Years' War
11-15  Summary
11-16  Review

12 1500 B.C.E. - 1500 C.E.
African States

12-1  Geography
12-2  Migrations of People
West Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
12-3  The Kingdom of Ghana
12-4  The Kingdom of Mali
12-5  The Kingdom of Songhai
12-6  Effects of Mansa Musa, Sonni Ali, and Muhammad Al-Turi
12-7  Portuguese Arrival
12-8  European Effects on the Gold Coast
Central Africa
12-9  Geography
12-10  The Portuguese Slave Trade
12-11  The Kingdom of Kongo
East Africa
12-12  Nubia
12-13  Axum
12-14  The Portuguese Make It to East Africa
Southeastern Africa
12-15  Zimbabwe
South Africa
12-16  Cultural and Artistic Achievements of the African Continent
12-17  Summary
12-18  Review

13 1500 B.C.E. - 15 C.E.
Mesoamerica, SpanishConquest, and the Peoles of North America

13-1  Mesoamerica and North America After the Bering Strait
13-2  The Mayan civilization
13-3  The World of the Aztecs
13-4  South American Civilizations
13-5  The north American Continent
13-6  Global conections with the Americas
13-7  Summary
13-8  Review

14 618 C.E. - 1279 C.E.
Tang and Song Dynasties: The Golden Ages of China

14-1  China After the Han Dynasty
14-2  Unification During the Tang and Song Dynasties
14-3  Tang Dynasty
14-4  Song Dynasty
14-5  Tang and Song Achievements in Art and Literature
14-6  Technological Advancements
14-7  Summary
14-8  Review

15 750 C.E. - 1526 C.E.
Middle Eastern Expansion

15-1  Orthpraxxy vs. Orthodoxy
15-2  Harun Al-Rashid
15-3  Shift in Islamic Leadership
15-4  Expansion of the Mongol Empire
15-5  The Gunpowder Empire; Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid
15-6  Islamic Achievements
15-7  Summary
15-8  Review

16 1300 C.E. - 1687 C.E.
The Renaissance and Reformation

16-1  Rebirth: The Starting Point-Italy
16-2  Renaissance in Northern Europe
16-3  The Protestant Reformation (1517-1648 C.E.
16-4  The Catholic Reformation (1545-1648 C.E.)
16-5  Scientific Achievement During the Reformation
16-6  Summary
16-7  Review

17 1400 C.E. - 1602 C.E.
European Exploration

17-1  Spanish Competition
17-2  The Netherlands: Unlikely Rivals for Sea Power
17-3  Summary
17-4  Review

18 1368 C.E. - 1725 C.E.
The Age of Absolutism

18-1  Changes in World Power
18-2  Absolutism in England
18-3  Absolutism in France
18-4  Absolutism in Spain
18-5  Absolutism in Russia
18-6  Absolutism in India
18-7  Absolutism in the Ottoman Empire
18-8  Absolutism in Japan
18-9  Absolutism in China
18-10  Summary
18-11  Review

19 1500s C.E. - 1800s C.E.
Mercantilism: The Creation of the Transatlantic Economy

19-1  Linking Europe, the Americas, and Africa
19-2  Mercantilism as an Economic Theory
19-3  Spanish Empire in the Americas
19-4  English Colonies
19-5  French Interaction
19-6  Summary
19-7  Review

20 1651 C.E. - 1792 C.E.
The Enlightenment

20-1  Natural Laws
20-2  A New Form of Economic thought: Laissez-Faire
20-3  Summary
20-4  Review

21 1763 C.E. - 1822 C.E.
Revolutions Across the World

21-1  American Revolution
21-2  French Revolution
21-3  Wars of Latin American Independence
21-4  Revolutions in the Spanish Colonies
21-5  Summary
21-6  Review

22 1764 C.E. - 1850 C.E.
The Industrial Revolution Across the Globe

22-1  England Leads the Industrial Revolution
22-2  Growth of Cities
22-3  Social Structure During the Industrial Revolution
22-4  Adam Smith
22-5  Karl Mark
22-6  Proletarianization
22-7  World Reaction to Industrialization
22-8  Summary
22-9  Review

23 1800 C.E. - 1881 C.E.
Nationalism in Europe and Russia

23-1  What is Nationalism?
23-2  The Crimean War
23-3  Nationalism in Italy
23-4  Nationalism in Germany
23-5  Nationalism in the Austrian-Habsburg Empire
23-6  Nationalism in Russia
23-7  Summary
23-8  Review

24 1900 C.E. - 1949 C..Nationalism in Asia

24-1  Nationalism in China
24-2  Nationalism in Japan
24-3  The Meiji Restoration
24-4  Summary
24-5  Review

25 1800 C.E. - 1911 C.E.
Imperialism and New Imperialism

25-1  Motives and Reasons for Imperialism
25-2  King Leopard II of Belgium Moves into Africa
25-3  The Berlin Conference
25-4  Imperialism in India
25-5  Australia
25-6  The Ottoman Empire
25-7  China and New Imperialism
25-8  Summary
25-9  Review

26 1879 C.E. - 1921 C.E.
World War I to the Treaty of Versailles

26-1  Motives
26-2  Nationalism to Militarism
26-3  Power Through Alliances
26-4  Role of Bosnia and Serbia
26-5  The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
26-6  The Schlieffen Plan in the Western Front
26-7  New Technologies and Their Impact
26-8  Sinking of the Lusitania
26-9  End of the Fighting
26-10  The Cost of the War
26-11  The treaty of Versailles
26-12  Summary
26-13  Review

27 1905 C.E. - 1924 C.E.
The Russian Revolution

27-1  Background
27-2  The February Revolution: 1917
27-3  Russian Civil War: Red Army vs. White Army
27-4  Death of Vladimir Lenin and the Rise of Joseph Stalin
27-5  Summary
27-6  Review

28 1919 C.E. - 1934 C.E.
The Great Depression and the Road to World War II

28-1  The Roaring '20s
28-2  Economic Collapse in the United States
28-3  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
28-4  Problems for the British Empire
28-5  The French Position
28-6  Germany Before the Great Depression
28-7  The Great Depresson Hits Europe
28-8  Hitler Ascent to Power
28-9  Russia During the 1920s
28-10  Stalin's Purges
28-11  Italy During the Great Depression: The Rise of Fascism with Benito Mussolini
28-12  Summary
28-13  Review

29 1933 C.E. - 1948 C.E.
World War II Through the Creation of Israel

29-1  Mussolini Invades Ethiopia
29-2  Adolf Hitler in Germany
29-3  Policy of Appeasement
29-4  Effects of the Spanish Civil War
29-5  Hitler Continues His Aggression
29-6  The War on Other Fronts
29-7  Operation Barbarossa
29-8  The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
29-9  Total War
29-10  Genocide in Europe
29-11  The Tide Turns: North Africa and the European Theater
29-12  Defeat of Nazi Germany
29-13  Defeat of Japan: Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
29-14  Aftermath of World War II
29-15  Creation of the United Nations Organization
29-16  Israel is Formed
29-17  Summary
29-18  Review

30 1945 C.E. - 1979 C.E.
Cold War, NATO, Warsaw Pact, Conflicts in Korea and Vietnam

30-1  Origins of the Cold War
30-2  The Truman Doctrine and Containment Policy
30-3  The Marshall Plan
30-4  Fate of Germany and the Berlin Airlift
30-5  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
30-6  Creation of the Warsaw Pact
30-7  The Cold War Arms Race
30-8  Development of the Propaganda War
30-9  Cold War Conflicts
30-10  Summary
30-11  Review

31 1912 C.E. - 1990 C.E.
Decolonization in Africa and Asia

31-1  The Challenge of Democracy
31-2  The Transfer of Power from Great Britain and France
31-3  Ghana and Kenya: Different Routes to Independence
31-4  Nigeria
31-5  Zaire/Congo
31-6  Decolonization of Southern Africa
31-7  Decolonization of Asia
31-8  Summary
31-9  Review

32 1917 C.E. - 2000 C.E.
The Decolonization of the Americas

32-1  South America
32-2  Central America
32-3  Organization of American States
32-4  Struggles Continue Today in Latin America
32-5  Summary
32-6  Review

33 1978 C.E. - 2012 C.E.
Collapse of the Soviet Union

33-1  Soviet Union
33-2  Eastern European Nationalist and Independence Movements During the Cold War
33-3  The Effects of Détente
33-4  Soviet Union Collapse
33-5  The Berlin Wall Finally Collapses
33-6  Vladimir Putin
33-7  Summary
33-8  Review

34 1952 C.E. - Present Day
The Middle East Through Persian Gulf Wars

34-1  Problems with the Borders
34-2  Oil vs. Arabic Nationalism
34-3  Saudi Arabia
34-4  Other Persian Gulf Countries
34-5  Egypt
34-6  Iran
34-7  Israel
34-8  Afghanistan
34-9  War in Lebanon
34-10  Persian Gulf War I
34-11  Persian Gulf War II
34-12  Role of the United Stt
34-13  Summary
34-14  Review

35 1950 C.E. - Present Day
Millennial Unrest: Era of Terrorism and Technology

34-1  China: Tiananmen Square to the Beijing Olympics
34-2  Global Communications
34-3  Technology Changes the World
34-4  The Green Revolution
34-5  the United Nations Peacekeeper
34-6  The Formation of the European Union
34-7  Terrorism Around the World
34-8  Social Media and Its Effect on the World
34-9  Science and Medicine
34-10  Cultural Diffusion: Faster than Ever Before
34-11  Hope for the Future
34-12  Summary
34-13  Review

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